Status Update: My Creative Bucket List 2015

Hey Creative Adventurers, I have just finished writing an article about creative bucket lists or goal setting for creatives and a process that could help you to achieve them.

My list of creative goals is not a bucket list in the strict sense. I want to achieve all these things in a time frame that I can grasp. Not just the end of my life but at the end of this year.

  • Write and illustrate a children's book and get published

    WHY: Recently, when I visited home for my wedding celebration, I found a tiny book I've made with story & illustrations. It reminded me of how I used to love writing and I really want to make my own book and get it published. There have been books in my childhood that were so lovely that I still remember and cherish them to this day. I'd like to become part of a child's joy and memory with one of my cute and fun stories with beautiful illustrations.

    WHEN: End of this year 2015 (someone's birthday, which I can't announce yet)

    We live in an amazing time. Now people all over the world have the opportunity to get published through self-publishing. I think it's an amazing opportunity that I want to take. I'll share my experiences with it in future posts, so if you're interested in this area, follow me here on WordPress or subscribe to my blog through the link at the end of this post :)

  • Teach - share my skills and make a class on

    WHY: If you have been following my blog for a while, you might have seen Video of the Week post on How to more work efficiently in Illustrator by Aaron Draplin. This video was part of his class and it was the first time I have heard of skillshare. Today I did some research and I think it's an amazing plattform for creatives to learn and to share/teach, which really inspired me to make a class myself. I think teaching is giving something back.

    WHEN: End of this September (I just joined the teaching september challenge) (no I'm not paid for this review) offers you not just a great resource to learn from other creative people but they teach you in steps how to create your own classes. Again I want to write a proper post about my experiences with their material etc. in the future. If you are interested you can get a free month of subscriptions through this link. (Please read the terms and conditions and guidelines/regulations of their website for more information on this free month of subscriptions. You follow this link at your own risk). I'll receive a free month as well, if you think it's great. If you don't like this kind of "recommendation-stuff" then just google them and you'll find all the information you need.

  • Design my own font

    WHY: During some reasearch on how to create my own font I have found this tutorial on How to make your own font with glyphs and Illustrator by "Hello Brio Studio", and I think I'll try that as it does seem quite straightforward and this will be a font that I can use and have all the rights.

    WHEN: End of this year 2015

What are your creative goals?

Personal Project: DIY Gouache Flower Letter Paper

Hey, Creatives Adventurers

are there any good old snail mail letter writers among you?

I still love to receive letters, especially if they have been handmade or decorated by the sender. And what better way to receive letters is there than to send them out yourself? So I took out my gouache colours (see definition by tate modern here), paint brushes, some water, pencil and sketchbook & brown recycling sketchbook paper. I'm thinking about making a tutorial on my youtube channel in the future.
