5 days until July Gouache for Illustrators Workshop

From IDEA to PAINTING in just 2 WEEKS

18th - 31st July 2017

Starting end of July Gouache will become your new friend to create beautiful illustrations - all in only 2 weeks time.

Sounds intriguing? Here is how it works:

This workshop will give you the framework to learn and create with gouache for illustration by creating a cute animal portrait from idea to finished painting. Learn in a small group with the attention you deserve.

Why a workshop works:

    Take one step at a time with reminders to keep you going.
  • GROW
    Get individual feedback tailored to you that helps you discover and develop your strengths and points to improve.
    You will get much more personal attention than in huge overflowing classes.
    Finally take action and create a beautiful portrait from idea to finished painting.


finish your project on time for the chance to win a custom illustration by Romica Spiegl-Jones of your animal of choice. The winner will be chosen at random from all the projects finished by the final deadline.

"Friendly Woodchuck" Student project by Jean Ruth

Who is it for?

The workshop is open to all skill levels but specifically made for beginners - intermediate. It is perfect for everyone who wants to start illustrating with Gouache and get to know the medium in a friendly and supportive class environment.

What will be covered?

In just two weeks you will learn:

  • What materials you need
  • What makes things cute
  • 2 sketching methods
  • Brush stroke practice for painting fur
  • How to layer colours
  • How to create a beautiful animal portrait in Gouache.

What other students said:

"Easy to follow and understand, the essential is that gouache is not as difficult as we thought."
Américo N.

"I really enjoyed Romica’s gouache class! I’ve been wanting to play around with gouache for so long but was always intimidated by it. Romica’s sweet videos and thoughtful instruction were motivating, and I’m looking forward to using the skills I picked up on future projects. Thank you!"
Nina P.

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You cannot make it this time?

If the times don't work for you, sign up for my newsletter and get notified about new workshops and gouache classes.

Join me in this 2 week workshop

See you soon, Romica :)